Noch mehr zum Thema…
Und noch ein Artikel, der die derzeitige Situation auf dem US Fernsehmarkt näher beleuchtet. Diesmal in der NY Times – ausgesprochen lang und mit vielen Stellungnahmen von Produzenten und Agenten:
Reality Intrudes on a Spring Rite of Network TV
Die momentane Häufung der Artikel zu diesem Thema hängt mit den Mitte Mai anstehenden „Upfront“-Präsentationen zusammen, bei denen die Sender ihr Herbst-Programm an die Werbekunden verkaufen. Diese „Upfronts“ finden weiterhin statt, auch wenn Networks wie FOX zu einem „round year schedule“ migrieren (deren recht ereignisarmes Sommerprogramm kann übrigens seit heute bei eingesehen werden – „Still Life“ is immer noch ein „No-Show“.).
Einige interessante Zitate: „Jeff Zucker, the president of NBC Entertainment, said: „It turns out that the next ‚Friends‘ was not a half-hour scripted comedy. It was ‚The Apprentice.‘ “
In the current television season, 12 of the top 20 shows are reality shows.
„This upfront has no level of excitement to it at all“
Advertisers in the upfront still have resistance to shows that do not have pilots, Mr. Falco said, and most reality shows do not have pilots. That is one reason why few new reality entries are expected to be on the fall schedule, but will instead be used to replace the scripted shows that fail quickly.
„You are reaching the point where the biggest television stars are not the actors anymore,“
Actors are not panicking yet, several studio executives said, because agents have so far managed to keep their asking prices up by refusing to alter the age-old system of keeping all the actors uncommitted until the main pilot casting period in February
„You know a lot of viewers are thinking that the new scripted shows are going to fail and what’s going to replace them is a much cooler reality show.“
There is only one answer for the traditional show creators, Mr. Roth of Warner Brothers said. „You have to be much more demanding than ever before. Being good or less is not going to make it. You have to really stand out.“
Duh squared. Wo bleiben eigentlich die scripted reality shows … sozusagen „Edtv“ als Serie.