Tja, Pustekuchen mit „Wunder“. Nach den wirklich grottenschlechten Quoten am vergangenen Donnerstag hat FOX angeblich „Wonderfalls“ mit sofortiger Wirkung abgesetzt. So verlautet es zumindest in einem Posting von Co-Produzent Tim Minear im Forum:
Well, not sure what to tell ya’ll — but we’re cancelled. Effective at once. The cow creamer will be silent this Thursday and forever forward. Once we recover from the not-shock, Todd, Bryan and I will see if there’s some venue in which to air the remaining episodes. As I have said from the start, the thirteen taken as a whole tell a story and go to a place, so a run of this „limited“ series would not be unsatisfying elsewhere. It’s a question as to whether the studio will want to invest in a DVD release of a failed series. Maybe the episodes will sit in a warehouse someplace with that sled and the arc of the covenant.
Thanks for all the support and enthusiasm.
Noch fehlt eine wasserdichte offizielle Bestätigung von FOX (noch werden auf deren Website für die nächsten zwei Wochen neue Episoden angezeigt), jedoch kann das obige Posting wohl durchaus als legitim angesehen werden – nachdem jetzt sogar zap2it darauf basierend eine Meldung ‚rausgibt.
Update: Zwar gibt’s von FOX immer noch keinen Pieps, aber mittlerweile wurden alle Hinweise auf eine Existenz der Serie von FOX‘ Website getilgt. Auch die offizielle Wonderfalls Website ist offline. Letzteres ist ziemlich erstaunlich, wenn man bedenkt, dass sogar die „John Doe“ Website noch online ist…
Naja – es war wohl damit zu rechnen. Hoffentlich gibt es irgendwann mal noch die restlichen 9-10 Episoden (auf DVD?) zu sehen, fertig produziert sind sie ja bereits. Die Folge von letzter Woche war jedenfalls mal wieder sehr gut…
Die üblichen „Save the Show“ Rettungsaktionen sind auch schon angelaufen, hier einige Links:
Dank an Bjoern für den Hinweis.
Hier noch einige Zitate von Tim Minear aus seinem Forum:
I saw the numbers and know how chop-happy this network is (and all networks, really)
And it’s true, I am a Cassandra. But this was the conversation I just had with my assistant:
Tim: Well, we’re cancelled. And pulled.
John: Yanked?
Tim: Jerked.
John: You’re never wrong, are you?
Tim: You’re still not fired.
Not really anything you can do. The network is a non-starter here. The studio, 20th, is possibly a different matter. If they get the sense that people would buy a complete series DVD set, it might happen that the series becomes available in future. But please don’t waste your time or money on trying to revive „Wonderfalls“ for a pick-up with Fox. Ain’t gonna happen.
When we first began this series, I was asked by many why I would put my trust in the network that mishandled „Firefly“ so terribly. Well, because it felt different to me. Initially, there was real excitement and belief in „Wonderfalls“ at the network. My feeling with „Firefly“ was always that since they didn’t much like or understand it from the brilliant pilot, that we were kind of doomed. I felt that if a network didn’t believe in a show, no matter its potential, that it couldn’t launch it or sell it with any measure of success.
And again, „Wonderfalls“ felt totally different to me. At first. Then, at some point in the process, I could sense an erosion in enthusiasm. Even as we were finding our footing and delivering to them some really exceptional episodes (ones you never got to see!), things got chilly. Then they couldn’t seem to find any place on the schedule for us. Then they did… and it was Friday night. I tell you now, the moment that was announced, I knew it was over. They were dumping us into Friday nights and that was that. When the smashing reviews started coming in… and coming and coming and coming… I think they didn’t know what to think or do. You have but one chance to make a good first impression. But they’d given up on the show before it ever aired, and even when the lion’s share of critics were hailing the show, it was too late for them to backtrack and launch the series with any kind of conviction. My „Firefly“ experience was repeating itself. I think it was USA Today that said this may be „the wrong show, in the wrong season, on the wrong night, on the wrong network.“ Just so. I do think market forces were at work here, too. Not just incompetence.
I don’t know if any network could have brought an audience to this show. Certainly no network that dumped it on Friday night, promoted it in such as way as to try and trick people into thinking it was „Dawson’s Creek,“ or that didn’t, apparantly, agree with the things the critics were saying about it. I do think any network wants whatever they pay for to be a success. I don’t think they MEAN to strangle something in the crib. I know that the next time I shop something to a network, I’m going to hope to find a network that understands and believes in the thing they ordered. And if they thought it looked good on the menu, I’d hope they’d still have a taste for it once it got to the table.
There’s a whole ’nother half of this post… but I deleted it.
Twice burned, me.
„Wonderfalls“ wasn’t my baby. It was more like a well-loved niece. the network and studio practically begged me to do it. Well, it seemed like begging. At the time. They don’t know begging. They will.
You all really do need to see the whole story. And it is a whole story. It would suck large if that didn’t come about somehow. God, I’m as proud the last like six as I am of anything I’ve done. Dang.
Tomorrow morning I’m gonna sit down and figure out exactly what Fox needs in terms of what’s missing from their scripted programming. No joke. I’ll approach it scientifically and specifically. I’ll create the hit pilot with franchise legs that will allow them to build big in the scripted area in such a way that they’ll be able to relax a little and nurture slower building shows. Something that would give them some stability. That’s what I’ll create.
Then I’ll sell it ABC.
Actually, it wouldn’t be the network that would release a DVD set, it would be the studio that produced the show, which in this case is two studios, 20th Television and Regency.
Also… Just want to say that I really discourage going over to another board and trashing it because of bitterness about this cancelation. I think it’s not good form. I love that ya’ll feel protective and such, but please don’t. As I said regarding TWoP before, I’ve always found the snark and format there a hoot. I think Strega, for example, is Allyson-grade funny and smart. And she HATED Firefly. But her recaps were hilarious. That’s sort of what that site’s for. Um… „without pity.“ Just sayin‘.
Darsteller William Sadler schreibt in seinem Forum (geez, hat denn heutzutage jeder Darsteller und Produzent eine eigene Website?)
I agree though, it seems such a foolish and wasteful thing to create such a cool show, shoot 13 episodes (at maybe two million dollars each), air four and throw the rest away. When I heard that there had been a shakeup among the FOX execs just before Christmas, I immediately got a bad feeling about the fate of our show. I have been involved in projects before that were orphaned and left to die by a change in network or studio management. The first time was a film entitled „Project X“, but there have been others. Apparently, it’s never in the new guys ‚best interest‘ to have the old guys pet projects succeed.
Ah well, on the bright side, I got to meet the talented you and the rest of our amazing family on both sides of the camera. What a fabulous team. One of the really nice things about this business is that you get to know and work with some pretty remarkable people. Don’t be a stranger here at the BillBoard. I have to go now and drown my sorrows in some low carb ice cream.
Und noch ein kleiner Spoiler am Ende: Die Stimme am anderen Ende des Telefons in der letzten Episode (Erics Frau) war [SPOILER]Jewel Staite (Firefly), die in den letzten Episoden der „Wonderfalls“ Staffel einen Gastauftritt gehabt hätte.[/SPOILER]
Ich werde die Entwicklungen in Sachen „Wonderfalls“ auf jeden Fall weiter beobachten – zumindest Tim Minear scheint sehr interessiert daran zu sein, die restlichen neun Episoden entweder auf einem anderen Sender unterzubringen oder gar auf DVD zu veröffentlichen. Mit gerade mal vier ausgestrahlten Episoden wäre letzteres allerdings ein wirtschaftlicher Blindflug (weil unkalkulierbar und somit nicht vergleichbar mit den DVD-Releases von „Firefly“ oder „Freaks & Geeks“). 20th Century Fox (die Produktionsfirma) hat allerdings knapp 20 Millionen US-Dollar in die Produktion der Serie investiert – wenn die also irgendeine Möglichkeit sehen, noch den Schaden etwas zu verringern durch einen Verkauf der Serie in welcher Form auch immer, dann werden sie diese Chance wohl auch nutzen.