Zweite Staffel für Veronica Mars! – Rob Thomas speaks

Veronica MarsSo, zwei Topics zum gleichen Thema an einem Tag- gabs hier auch noch nicht. Aber Rob Thomas beantwortet in seinem Posting bei televisionwithoutpity alle offenen Fragen: VM ist verlängert, das Studio Warner Brothers startet eine Emmy-Kampagne für die Show und die VM-Inhalte auf Thomas‘ Website kommen bald zurück:

Just woke up after a big night celebrating with VM producer Dan Etheridge and VM writer John Enbom. Took my Advil. Drank my coffee and sat down to see what TWOPers had to say about the pickup. Can’t tell you how fun it was reading these first eight pages of posts.

Here’s a bit of info for you.

The UPN building is not that huge. If you’ve got the address, flowers will definitely get to Dawn Ostroff. Don’t let the lack of a suite number disssuade you.

I heard from the people at SaveVeronicaMars that they had already placed their ad. If it’s too late to back out, I would suggest that the ad turns into a thank you for the confidence in the show.

As you probably know, UPN is our network. Warner Brothers is our studio. Networks buy television shows from studios and both the studio and network give creative input to the shows. I mention this only because WB has been an amazing home for us. Warner Brothers President Peter Roth just launched an Emmy campaign for the show. Emmy campaigns are expensive and unheard of for struggling shows on UPN. It means they place ads in the trades touting are show and they send DVDs to all the voting members of the television academy. Because I think you’ll enjoy knowing this — the three shows that will be on our Emmy DVD are the pilot, Clash of the Tritons and A Trip to the Dentist. (A Trip to the Dentist is, without a doubt, the proudest I’ve been of an episode of televison that I have my name on. Of course, I haven’t seen the finale cut together, yet.)

You’d be hard pressed to watch Trip to the Dentist without thinking Kristen Bell is the best actress on television, and for those Teddy Dunn doubters out there — just you wait.

In other news — you may notice that the Veronica Mars page on my website is down. Here’s the stupid reason why. I believed I knew enough about my website management to open a new page and announce that we were picked up. Apparently I didn’t. I managed to shut the whole section down. I’m hoping my Dutch web design team can get it back up and running this weekend. In the meantime, I’ll just feel like a dork.

The writing staff optimistically stuck around the offices for a couple of weeks working on Season 2’s BIG MYSTERY. We’ve come up with something we think rocks that won’t be a simple reworking of Season 1.

Once again, thank you for all the encouragement, the paper cuts, keeping us on our toes. Season 2! Man — I can’t wait.

Tjo, da bleibt mir nur eins zu sagen: Yay!

Update: Rob Thomas‘ Website ist nun wieder komplett abrufbar, neu ist jetzt die Meldung um die zweite Staffel von „Mars“.

Update: Zitat vom HollywoodReporter:

For UPN, gambling on a sophomore year of „Veronica Mars“ was an easy call, network president Dawn Ostroff said. The Tuesday 9 p.m. drama starring Kristen Bell generated significant affection from critics and pop culture chatter, especially for Bell.

„This is the type of smart, compelling show we want viewers to expect from UPN,“ Ostroff said.

5 Antworten

  1. 1
    Chris schrieb:

    Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder. Yippie 😉

  2. 2
    Ringerl schrieb:


  3. 3
    Marcel schrieb:

    Ich hab die Serie bisher nicht gesehen, aber man hört ja nur gutes. Sobald Lost und Joan of Arcadia in die Pause gehen werd ich mal anfangen.

  4. 4
    Kai schrieb:

    Oh man, was kann man gerade beim ZDF als Info lesen, sie haben die Rechte an VM gekauft, und senden die 1. Staffel ab 2006.
    Da bin ich jetzt aber mal auf den Sendeplatz gespannt…
    Ohhh – bekomme ich doch noch mal was für meine GEZ-Gebühren ! 🙂

  5. 5
    flash schrieb:

    Schon sehr seltsam. Das ZDF ist ja nun doch eher die einer Serie für die ältere Generation. Mal sehen auf welchen Sendeplatz „einer der erfolgreichen Serien-Neustarts dieser Saison in den USA“ (original Pressetext) in Deutschland zu sehen sein wird.
    Und wieder mal eine Bestätigung für meine Behauptung, dass gutes Fernsehen fast nur bei den öffentlich-rechtlichen stattfindet.

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