DVDTimes distanziert sich von DVDSoon

Ein weiteres Kapitel in unserer traurigen Geschichte um den Niedergang von DVDSoon: Die ersten DVD-Review und -Shoppingportale entfernen ihre Links zu DVDSoon. Sie tun das wegen der anhaltend negativen Kritik von (ehemaligen) Kunden des kanadischen DVD Retailers der kürzlich alle Vorbestellungen seiner Kunden stornierte und lediglich einen nicht-zurückbuchbaren Storecredit dafür einräumte. Ferner wurde die iCard ersatzlos gestrichen.

Daher kann ich derzeit auch nur vom Kauf bei DVDSoon abraten — dass dieser in der Vergangenheit ständig mit Serverproblemen kämpfende Laden ab sofort nun auch die Kreditkartennummern speichert, stimmt auch nicht gerade positiv (nach dem DVDPacific Debakel weiss man ja, was da alles schief laufen kann).

Eine Antwort

  1. 1
    Sascha schrieb:

    Ein kleines Update von DVDsoon aus dem dvd-swaps.com Forum:


    1. Unfortunately, it was impossible for us to advise our clients that the refund option will not coming back, because it has been decided last Friday. As I know, there is no possibility to see this option coming back. However, be sure that I will pass your comments to our President.

    2. This decision has been take with the implementation of our new payment system. Now, only a few credit will be issued for exceptional reason as you card will be charged at the shipping time only. However, I realize that some of you will have store credit due to the cancellation of orders placed with the old system and that you would like to use it as you want. Unfortunately, we cannot keep two different systems due to accounting reason, this is why the application of 25% in credit for an order is applicable for everybody.

    3. The situation about our stock level will probably get to the normal in the next two or three weeks. There is a lot of chance that it’s next week, but I prefer to add a week or two to be sure.

    4. The credit for the iCard will be issued probably by Friday. The amount will be different for each client, because we need to consider the utilisation of the card, in months and in money.

    5. As soon as the cancellation of old orders will be finished, we will reactivate the cancellation button. So, the delay should be approx. 24 hours.

    6. Your credit will be in your account in the next 24 hours. The operation of cancelling orders is very long and we need to be sure that the amount is issued correctly. So first we cancel the orders and then the credit will be issued. I apologize that you were not advise before because we didn’t realize that the cancellation process take so much time.

    Thank you.
    Véronique Vincent
    Customer Service

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